63a - Nicolas BOULTGEN (1794 - 1870) [1]

Nicolaus BULDGEN (or BOULTGEN) was born in Niederanven in 1794. He settled in Crauthem (Roeser) and had as occupations: maréchal ferrand, serrurier, journalier and finally Agent der Feuersbrunsten, agent d’assurances

He was married twice and had a total of 15 children.

On 4 February 1859 BULDGEN applied for a patent relating to a process of heating iron.  Although, according to the 1858 Census his occupation was agent d’assurances, he applied for the patent as serrurier.

The object of the invention was said to be:

Économie de temps et de combustible pour le chauffage du fer à travailler pour les maréchaux ferrants, les serruriers, etc.

BULDGEN did not provide enough information to the Administration for recording the application in the Register so that his petition was returned to him via the Commissaire de district, with the request that all formalities required by the Patent Law be fulfilled.

BULDGEN did not respond.


[1] FamilySearch database
