240 - Sidney Gilchrist THOMAS (1850 - 1885) (2) [1] [2]

On 6 May 1879 THOMAS had filed his first patent application in Luxembourg (see No 235).

On 22 July 1879 he filed a second application under the tile of: « Procédé de perfectionnement faisant suite à la demande de brevet présentée le 6 mai dernier pour innovations dans la fabrication de l’acier Bessemer et du métal ou fer fondu ».

The application was thus declared as a demande de brevet de perfectionnement of the earlier application.

The two applications were combined and issued as a single patent on 14 July 1880 under the 1880 Patent Law with the following title: [4]

Perfectionnements dans la fabrication d’acier et de fer fondu et dans la garniture réfractaire des fours


[1] FamilySearch database

[2] Wikipedia

[3] see also No 235, No 242, No 243, No 251, No 259, No 268, No 274, No 275

[4] LU patent No 5
